
Heart & Metabolic

Heart and metabolic health is a broad topic that touches on many areas, from vascular function to glucose and lipid metabolism to body weight. As we age, the heart and vasculature undergo decreases in blood vessel plasticity and increases in blood vessel wall thickness. The function of the heart itself also changes, resulting in a decreased efficiency in pumping blood. Normal aging also results in a loss of muscle mass and alterations in numerous metabolic pathways. Weight tends to increase while metabolic processes such as glucose metabolism decrease. The combination of these factors can be viewed together as cardiometabolic aging. Nutrition plays an intimate role in maintaining cardiovascular health.

Angela Mazza, D.O.+

Dr. Mazza is double board-certified in internal medicine and endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism, and currently practices in the Central Florida area. She completed her fellowship in anti-aging metabolic medicine and practices integrative endocrinology on a daily basis. She sees medicine not as a “one size fits all” but requiring an individualized approach through patient education and lifestyle management. She has a significant background in both basic and clinical research, and has been principal investigator on multiple large-scale therapy and device trials. View the Cardiometabolic and Insulin Sensitivity Support Protocol

View the Heart & Metabolic Support for Healthy Living

Penny Kendall-Reed, N.D.+

Dr. Kendall-Reed is a specialist in metabolic and neuro-endocrine health, and author of the best seller “The New Naturopathic Diet,” as well as several other co-authored works. She travels throughout Canada and the United States lecturing on metabolic and endocrine function, holds health retreats, and appears regularly on television, magazine and radio. Presently, Dr. Kendall-Reed is the director of natural therapies at the Urban Wellness Clinic in Toronto. View the Metabolic Hormone Support Protocol.

+Our Clinical Advisors have been retained as consultants for Douglas Laboratories.