
Cognitive & Mood

As we age, changes occur in many areas of our brain — notably in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus — that can affect brain volume, neurotransmitter levels, protein and glucose metabolism, blood flow, and blood vessel structure. These changes may impact our memory recall, ability to perform tasks and emotional well-being, and compromise our overall quality of life. Factors such as genetics, diet, exercise and the environment can all influence cognitive health during later years. Emerging research continues to focus on how we may be able to provide nutritional support during many of the normal, age-related changes we observe in brain function.

Peter Bongiorno, N.D.+

Dr. Peter Bongiorno is a naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist who specializes in the emotional well-being and mental health of patients. He has authored numerous books for physicians and patients about natural medicine. View the Mood Support Protocol

View Cognitive & Mood Support for Healthy Living

View the Cognitive and Memory Support Protocol

View the Neuro-Endocrine Support Protocol

Penny Kendall-Reed, N.D.+

Dr. Penny Kendall-Reed is a naturopathic physician who has lectured extensively on the topic of neuro-endocrine and metabolic health.

+Our Clinical Advisors have been retained as consultants for Douglas Laboratories.